By Mel Hotz, Kennel Fairysaddle, South Africa.
Long, long ago in days of yore,
It might’ve been sooner, if not before,
Along a mountain track there came,
A gallant Corgi of quite some fame.
And there beside the track he spied,
A maiden fair, who to him cried,
Oh kindly Corgi, hear my plea;
I’ve fallen off my horse you see.
And so before you further roam
Would you, please sir, take me home?
So said the Corgi, I do confess;
How could I leave you in distress?
So climb upon my back fair maid
I’ll take you home, as you have bade.
And so the Corgi started forth;
My home’s a castle to the north.
They journeyed there, and at her door
She cried, I should have said before,
I’m a fairy princess sir, you see,
And for your kindness to me,
I’ll leave upon your back
All traces of the fairy tack.
And till this day you still can find
The fairy’s saddle to remind,
How the Corgi helped the princess fair,
And just as well for You will care.